#!/usr/bin/perl #! Poem excerpt from "Ideal Cities" by Erika Meitner #! Basic subroutine... &IdealCities; $preamble = "Ideal cities"; sub IdealCities { print $preamble; print "\n"; } #! A subroutine returns the last value calculated $soul = "...is a place where neighbors play soul music all night long"; &SoulMusic; sub SoulMusic { $all = $preamble.$soul; print $all; print "\n"; } #! This shows how you pass an argument to a subroutine... #! $_[0] is the first argument passed, $_[1] is the second. $pharmacist = "...is a place where the pharmacist knows your perscriptions"; $argies = &Perscriptions ($preamble, $pharmacist); sub Perscriptions { print "$_[0]$_[1]\n"; }