
Photo Gallery

The Sculpture of Isamu Noguchi

October, 2018

The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi

Noguchi Museum
Long Island City, New York

"I’ve been graced with occasions when creation out of destruction has been palpably evoked before my astonished eyes. But these are moments of bravery I have no confidence in repeating.”

“We live in a modern world. The ancient world, the world of nature, confronts us. We are in conflict with nature. From that comes creation, the two together.” -- Isamu Noguchi

The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi
The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi

The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi
The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi

The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi
The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi

The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi
The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi

The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi
The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi

The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi
The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi

The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi
The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi

The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi
The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi

The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi
The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi

The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi
The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi

The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi
The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi

The sculpture of Isamu Noguchi
